You are here: Users > Users Menu

Users Menu

Each user will be listed within this screen in alphabetical order.

There can be as many as 99 different Users.

The easiest way to work out what permissions staff need is to lock them out of everything, and then allow permissions as they need it.

This will ensure that you have verified they require it and they are supposed to have access.


Access the Users menu by going to Setup > Users.



Provided that you have access to the Users function, you can Add, Modify or Delete any User.

The Admin user cannot be deleted.

The Admin User has access to all functions in the database, but can be customised on which fields they want to view in the Stock Items and Customer lists.



Select Permissions

Press the Add/Modify button to create a new or modify an existing User.

All options that are deemed necessary for new Users will be selected.

Go through each option using the boxes to expand the menus.

Untick any option that you don’t want the User to have access to and enter a password if you want the User to have one.

Some menus can be expanded up to five times depending on the permissions required.


Pressing on the actual word will Select/Deselect all menus that are underneath the selected menu.



Override Permissions from Other User

This option allows you to override all permissions for the User currently being modified using permissions from another User.

This option can be used when creating a new User or modifying an existing User.

When "Own Permissions" is selected, permissions that are configured on the right-hand side of the screen for the currently selected user will be used to specify which functions can be accessed.

When a User is selected within the "Override Permissions from Other User" dropdown box, permissions from the User selected in the dropdown box will be applied to the current user that is being modified and any permission settings that are configured on the right-hand side will be ignored for the current user that is being modified.


Note that this Override Permissions from Other User function is not displayed or available when modifying the permissions for the "Admin" user.


To use this option, go to: Setup > Users


To create a new User, press the "Add" button, then enter the User Name for the new User.

To modify an existing User, select the User from the list then press the "Modify" button.


If you want to configure specific or unique permissions for the User, leave the Override Permissions from Other User setting set to "Own Permissions" and configure the permissions on the right-hand side of the screen as required.


If you want to override the User's permissions with another User's existing permissions, use the "Override Permissions from Other User" dropdown box and select a User that contains the permissions you want to apply to the current User being modified.

Note that when a User is selected in the Override Permissions from Other User dropdown box, the permissions configured on the right-hand side will be ignored for the current user that is being modified.



Icons Used


This button allows for the menu to be expanded.


This button means the menu has been expanded and can be retracted.


This means that the menu cannot be expanded any further.


This indicates all menus within this thread are selected.


This indicates some menus within this thread are selected, but not all.


This indicates that all menus within this thread are not selected.


When a User is logged in that does not have permission to access some menus, the menu will be greyed out and inaccessible.







Back Office Menu Permissions

All permissions that can be selected/deselected (except Clerk Permissions and POS Menu) correspond to the Back Office Menus and functions that the User is able to access.

Some Users may require access to only a few functions whereas others may require more.

It is purely dependent on the permissions and security you want for your system as to how these are set up.


The below is a list of all Back Office Menus which can be enabled/disabled for a User.

Permissions or access to the functions available within each Back Office menu can be controlled by expanding the menu and enabling or disabling access to the required functions.



Each Back Office Menu permission/function is outlined in further detail below: